Peoria County Bright Futures Remote Learning Plan

The teachers and staff at Peoria County Bright Futures will work with you and your child to provide the remote learning opportunities. Remote learning takes a partnership between Bright Futures staff and your family. Our remote learning plan will focus on these three areas:

  • Support

  • Active partnerships with students and families

  • Safety of staff and students

 Remote learning will focus on SUPPORT by:

  • Providing flexible and responsive developmentally appropriate activities

  • Providing activities will meet the following learning domains: fine and gross motor, science, social studies, art and most important social emotional.

  • Provide strategies that help calm and body and mind such as:

    • Deep breathing

    • Conscious Discipline breathing techniques

    • Singing

    • Drawing

    • Outdoor bubble blowing

  • Finding new ways of showing appreciation, love and empathy with students while not socially in person   

  • Providing joyful, hands-on engaging activities


  • Striving for on-going, two way communication between home and school

  • Families providing feedback regarding needs, changes, videos, supporting assignments and one on one time with the child

  • Providing Opportunities for engagement on a time schedule that works for each family 

  • Providing clear guidance on how to submit work and flexible pathways for learning

  • Focusing on repair not perfection during stressful times

  • Providing the children a feelings journal weekly to share with teachers to provide feedback for future learning activities

Remote learning will focus on creating a SAFETY PLAN by:

  • Reviewing the plans often

  • Focusing on mental health of students and staff

  • Engaging in small group learning

  •  Teaching of the importance of social distancing, health practices, etc while at home or school
